Sunday, April 19, 2015

OATS( Oracle Application Testing Suite) Online Training

Hi Learner,

My blog( was designed for providing the OATS training,solutions and project support through online for  learning and working on real time projects.

Please reach us on

OATS Course Content:

1. Basics of automation and Advantages (For new to Automation people)

2. OATS Features, Installations and required Configurations.

3. Script Development (Web & Oracle Apps)

4. Enhancement (Verification,Synchronization,Parameterization,Error Handling,Reporting)

5. Debugging techniques

6. Java Script Commands

7. OLT (Oracle Load Testing) overview, developing the scripts,Correlations,Graphs analyzing

8. OTM (Oracle Test Manger)- All features end to end.

9. Administrator Features and configuration

10.Integration of all components in the OATS tool